Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Today the hedge fund market (is over $1.2 Trillion) is at a crossroads, either the hedge fund managers will continue to control their investors (Ford,"... you can have any color you want as long as its black.") or the accredited investors (consumer) will use an exchange (ECN) Internet portal to take control of their investments and create liquidity. Clayton M. Christensen's book: The Innovator's Dilemma describes how a thought or innovation can change an industry. This is one of those moments when you will either get it or not. Today there are 9000 plus hedge funds (general partnerships) managing limited partnerships agreements. The hedge fund managers sell their limited partnerships to accredited investors who in turn transfer capital usually cash to be managered under the rules and conditions set forth in limited partnership's agreement. Often these agreements will have lock up times so that managers have greater control over the assets. This is good for the managers but bad for investors as they have to wait longer to receive net gains or losses for write off. I created Scientific Hedge Funds LLC, Delaware, USA to develop new limited partnerships for accredited investors as well as creating a Hedge Fund exchange.

Today is the day that we enter into the crossroad and decide to continue forward with Hedge Fund Managers controlling a Trillion dollar plus market or we make a ninety degree turn an give control of the market to the investors who own the market. I believe that the time has come for much needed liquidity in the hedge fund market as well as a dynamic funding tool for new hedge fund development. I intend to create a hegde fund exchange to allow owners of alternative investments - limited partnerships - hedge funds contracts a location for trade of the sale of their securities through a new Security/contract based on the old contract (aka derivative security). I also intend to develop new hedge funds and sell these limited partnerships once the SEC has approved our Exchange (ECN).

If you understand the opportunity to be gained in the next step in the - Hedge Funds/Alternative Investments evolution and have seed capital available - please contact:

Daniel R. Green

Scientific Hedge Funds LLC
115 West Sixth Street,
Media, Pennsylvania, 19063 USA

Daniel R. Green Copyright 2006


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